Stephens Library > Consumer Research Guide

Consumer Research Library Guide


Government Sources

  • Census Data - data from the US Census Bureau, including demographic, economic, and population data.

  • American Community Survey - this ongoing survey, also from the US Census Bureau, generates yearly detailed population and housing information.

  • Economic Census - conducted by the US Census Bureau, the Economic Census measures U.S. businesses and their economic impact.

  • Consumer Expenditure Surveys - published by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this program “provides data on expenditures, income, and demographic characteristics of consumers in the United States.”

  • American Time Use Survey - also from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, this survey “measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing.”

  • Federal Government's Open Data Sets - a variety of data, tools, and resources, openly available from the U.S. government.

Additional Sources of Consumer Information

Books, etc.

  • Stephens Library Catalog - Search the traditional catalog for Stephens College books, videos, and more. When you find a book or video you would like, click the "Request It" button and follow the procedure. We will contact you via your Stephens email address to arrange pickup or delivery.

  • MOBIUS Catalog - Search the MOBIUS Consortium catalog and request books be sent to Stephens for pickup. When you find a book or video you would like, click the "Request It" button and follow the procedure. We will contact you via your Stephens email address to arrange pickup or delivery.

  • eMO Electronic Books - Search and view over 150,000 electronic books. Entirely full-text.