Library News

for Faculty

September 2023

Welcome Back!

  • Did you know...

    ….as a faculty member you can use the Stephens Library and its resources? Here's some of the things you can do:

    • Request Instruction Sessions with librarians.

    • Check out Stephens Library books and request materials from other libraries

    • Search and find journal, magazine, and newspaper articles.

    See below for a few details!

  • Fall Semester Hours

    Monday - Thursday: 8am - 9pm

    Friday: 8am - 5pm

    Saturday: Closed

    Sunday: 1pm - 9pm

Library Instruction

To schedule library instruction, contact Emma Fernandez or Anne Cox. Library instruction can be scheduled to take up as little as 10 minutes of class time (or an entire class period or more) and we can come to your classroom. We like to tailor sessions to the needs of your course.

Here’s a sample of some recent offerings:

  • Intro to library resources

  • Manage citations with Zotero

  • Inquiry into archives

  • Scaffolded sessions covering search strategies, source analysis, information synthesis, and citations.

Emma Fernandez:

Instruction Librarian, School of Health Sciences and the Conservatory

Anne Cox:

Instruction Librarian, School of Integrative Studies

Stephens Library Books

Search our collection using the Stephens Library Catalog and stop by the library for checkout using your Stephens ID.

Looking for eBooks or audiobooks? Check out OverDrive.


Stephens is a member of the MOBIUS Consortium, a group of 80 Libraries that share materials with one another.

Staff can search the MOBIUS Catalog and request books be sent to Stephens for pickup. Books usually arrive within three to four work days and can be picked up at the library front desk.

Journal & Magazine Articles

Search for journal articles using the Quick Search on the Library Homepage or by exploring some of our individual databases. Articles not immediately available can be requested through the library website.

Newspaper Articles

The library provides access to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune. You can search all of them at once by using the U.S. Major Dailies database.

Need Assistance? Contact Us!

Call: 573-876-7182


Text: 573-475-4211

Chat assistance available 24/7 through the library website.