How to Navigate the Library
Anne Cox, Instruction Librarian
Emma Fernandez, Instruction Librarian
Libraries can be overwhelming. This guide is designed to help you navigate and use the Stephens College Library.
The library supports the instruction, community and mission of Stephen College. By acquiring scholarly resources, offering research help, and applying new information technologies, we are able to provide excellent service to our users.
Stephens College Library includes thousands of print books, DVDs, as well as access to eBooks, journal articles, newspapers, and streaming video. The library also has computers, printers/scanners, a study room, and the college archives.
Have a question? The librarians are here to help!
In This Guide
The sources below are organized in the Stephens College Library according to the chart below:
Reference Books - Reference Area
Fiction/Non-Fiction Books - Stephens Book Stacks, Online
Reserve Books - Behind the Front Desk, ask a Librarian
DVDs - 1st floor, by the elevator
eBooks - Online
Journal Articles - Online
Streaming Video/Audio - Online
type your search term into the Library Quick Search, hit enter, and then you will be able to refine your content by type. Or, ask a librarian!
About the Library
Main Floor:
Study Room
Help Desk
Books w/ P Call #’s: Literature
Popular Collection
“The Cage” - AV Closet
Upper Floor:
Gender & Sexual Minorities Resource Center
Black Cultural Resource Center
Books w/ all other Call #’s: A-O, Q-Z, Oversized (q or f)
Children’s and Schweitzer Collections
Main Floor
Second Floor
Library Databases
A database is essentially a container for published information such as journal, newspaper, and magazine articles, eBooks, as well as streaming video and audio.
A database is either general or subject/discipline specific and is searchable by keyword, subject, author, or title.
A library database will provide scholarly and peer-reviewed sources that are appropriate to use for academic research and writing.
If you need help searching the databases, please ask a librarian!
Check out our Databases A-Z or by Subject.
How to Find Books
Stephens College Library uses the Library of Congress (LC) classification system, which uses a combination of letters and numbers (call numbers) to arrange the books.
The LC system is conducive to browsing as books of the same topic are generally shelved together.
To the right, you can see how the LC system's call numbers work, if you were to look at a shelf of books.