Stephens College Library News Spring 2025

NEW! Laptop Checkout

Laptops are now available for a three-day checkout period (limited availability). Stop by the library or contact us for more information.

Library Study Room

The Library Study Room is located on the library’s main floor (Room #210). It is available on a first-come, first-serve basis whenever the library is open, but can also be reserved for one-hour, two-hour, and three-hour blocks of time. To make an online reservation, click Book It! below.

Looking for Journal Articles?

The Stephens Library Quick Search interface on the Library Homepage searches across most of the materials the library provides, as well as to a very large number of resources not immediately available but that can be easily requested through interlibrary loan. 

Looking for Newspapers?

The library provides access to the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and the Chicago Tribune. You can search all of them at once by using the U.S. Major Dailies database.

Also available is NewsBank which provides articles from more than 12,000 newspapers.

Anne Cox

Instruction Librarian for:

Business Administration, Communication Design, Content Creation, Creative Writing, Digital Filmmaking, Education, English/Creative Writing, and Fashion.

Need Research Assistance?

Drop by the library for more information or set up an appointment with a librarian!

Emma Fernandez

Instruction Librarian for:

Animal Behavior, Biology, Equestrian Studies, Health Information Administration, Health Sciences, Human Development, Integrative Human Biology, Nursing, Psychology, and the Conservatory.

Spring Semester Hours

(January 13 - May 9, 2025)

Monday - Thursday: 8am - 9pm

Friday: 8am - 5pm

Saturday: Closed

Sunday: 1pm - 9pm


  • Closed the following Sundays: February 9, March 9, March 23, and April 13

  • Open Monday, March 24 through Friday, March 28 from 8am - 5pm

Contact Information

Phone: (573) 876-7182

Text: (573) 475-4211
