Borrowing Policy
It is an individual's responsibility to return materials in a timely fashion. When library materials become overdue, the library will send an overdue notice as a courtesy reminder. Materials not returned by the billing date will be billed at the Stephens College Accounting Office and will appear on your monthly statement. We encourage students not to check out materials for friends. Whomever the material is charged to is responsible for any fines.
The due date for books is typically 30 days from the day of check out. Reserve materials circulate for 2, 4, 24 or 48 hours and most are for library use only.
Renewing Books
If a longer loan period is need, materials may be renewed. The loan will be extended to the next due date. Books may be renewed through your online account. You can also call, email, or stop by the library to renew.
*Please note that materials received though Interlibrary Loan may be renewed only upon consent of the lending library.
Non-Stephens Books -- MOBIUS, Arthur, and Interlibrary Loans
Borrowing materials from another academic library is a privilege, not a right. Borrowers must abide by the rules, guidelines and policies of the lending library. Abuse of this privilege may result in a library revoking your circulation privileges.
Any transaction a borrower makes at another library is that borrower's responsibility.
Borrowers requesting books via Interlibrary Loan are bound by the policies of the lending institution.
Overdue and Billing Procedures
When library materials become overdue, the library staff identifies the overdue material and checks the library stacks. As a courtesy reminder, an Overdue Notice is sent for all overdue materials.
For reserve materials, the Overdue Notice will notify a borrower that if the item is not returned by the billing date (3 days from receipt of notice) the borrower will be charged a non-refundable $10 overdue fine in addition to a replacement fee for each item. If the reserve material is returned by the billing date in good condition, only the overdue fine will be charged.
A replacement fee will be charged for each item still checked out after the billing date. All replacement fees and overdue fines are charged to a student's My Stephens/PowerCampus account and will appear on the monthly statement.
Replacement Fees and Overdue Fines
Replacement fees for MOBIUS books are set by the loaning institution and are non-negotiable. The following fees represent reasonable replacement costs for materials and are not intended as punitive. The replacement fee is levied for EACH lost item and is not refundable. The following are the replacement fees for Stephens College items only:
Regular circulating books
$70 per item
Educational Resources: Children's Literature
$30 per item
Educational Resources: Curriculum Kits
Replacement fees reflect the actual cost of replacement and may be as much as $500.
Reserve Materials
(Regular-sized, photocopied, or audio/visual material)
$70 flat replacement charge;
possible $10 overdue charge.
Audio/Visual Materials
(VHS, DVDs, CDs, or CD-ROMs)
$70 or cost of replacement per item
If you have any questions regarding the overdue policy or procedure, please contact us at (573) 876-7182 or
Circulation Policy
Members of the Stephens College community may place requests for library materials not available at Hugh Stephens Library. Patrons who may request materials include: undergraduate and graduate students; current and retired faculty, staff and administrators.
Patrons should first check the Stephens and MOBIUS catalogs for the library books they seek. You will get the materials you need much more quickly if you submit your requests through those catalogs first. The turn around time for these are generally three business days. Thoroughly check all of the online databases on the library's website before submitting interlibrary loan requests for articles from journals. If you do not find the materials that you need in the library's collection—either on the shelves, through the A catalogs, or as full-text articles through the online databases--then you may submit requests through standard Interlibrary Loan.
Requests for borrowing materials may be submitted in a number of different ways. Requests may be submitted by filling out an electronic form on the library website or via email. Requests can also often be made through the library databases. The ILL request forms must be accurately and legibly completed and must provide as much citation information as possible. If you need assistance finding materials or filling out the forms please contact the library at (573) 876-7182.
Library's Address:
Hugh Stephens Library, Interlibrary Loan Department
1200 E. Broadway, Box 2054
Stephens College
Columbia, MO 65215
Phone: (573) 876-7182
Fax: (573) 876-7264
Standard interlibrary loan may take some time. Books will generally take 1 to 2 weeks as they are shipped through the postal mail. Journal articles vary—they may arrive rapidly if they are not from an obscure journal and if the lending library will send them electronically. Allow at least two weeks for dissertations.
Some materials may not be available through interlibrary loan. It is the lending library's prerogative to refuse to fill a request. All due dates are set by the lending library. The ability for renewal of an item is also set by the lending library.
Stephens' students who want to borrow current textbooks for classes they are taking may request the books through the Stephens or MOBIUS catalogs. However, if the textbook is not available through these catalogs, Stephens College Library has a policy not to obtain current textbook editions through standard Interlibrary Loan (OCLC). Instead, please consult with a Reference Librarian about other options including getting an older edition, or perhaps finding the current edition elsewhere.
The cost involved in borrowing interlibrary loan materials is not passed on to our patrons. There is no charge for the loan of books or for copies of journal articles received through standard interlibrary loan. However, individuals are responsible for books or other materials borrowed through interlibrary loan and are expected to return their library materials in a timely manner. The loaning institution sets the replacement costs and any other processing fees for overdue or lost materials. These fees are non-negotiable.
Information for Institutional Borrowers
ILL requests may be submitted through OCLC, ALA forms, or via e-mail.
Non-circulating items include: reference or reserve materials, visual materials, audio materials, single issues of journals, bound journals, newspapers, microforms, curriculum kits, and senior or graduate theses.
Requests for journal articles available only through our online databases will not be filled.
Stephens College Library will loan to libraries in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
The initial loan period is 37 days. Renewals are possible as long as no one else has placed a “hold” on the item. The first renewal period is 30 days. Additional renewals are at the discretion of the Librarian.
There is a $120.00 replacement cost per volume for Stephens College Library books lost through interlibrary loan borrowing.
The library is closed for the entire week between and including Christmas Eve and New Year's Day.
Interlibrary Loan Policy
Many faculty members place materials on reserve for student use. This system allows everyone in a class equal access through use of short-term checkout periods.
Reserves are available for check out at the circulation desk of Stephens Library. Loan periods are set by the professor at 2-hour or 4-hour “In Library Use Only” items; or 24-hour or 48-hour loan items which a student may take out of the library. Reserve material loans are restricted to currently enrolled students and currently employed faculty and staff members. A borrower’s record must be clear of all fines, bills, and blocks to check out reserve items. Borrowers are limited to three reserve items at a time.
As reserves are short-term checkouts, borrowers are responsible for observing the length of checkout time allotted, and whether the item is "In Library Use Only" or whether the item may leave the Library. Tags on each item will show this information and also alert that fines will occur for overdue items.
Non-receipt of overdue and billing notices does not exempt users from fines or replacement costs. All Library notices are sent to official Stephens email accounts. Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for checking their Stephens College email regularly.
The borrower is responsible for overdue, missing, billed, or damaged materials. Fines and replacement costs will be assessed accordingly. To avoid fines and fees, please return reserve items to the Library Circulation desk before they are overdue. In the event that the Library is closed, please use the drop-box at the front of the Library between the two front doors to return reserve items. Overdue reserve items will automatically trigger a library block, and billed items and assessed fines will be entered into "My Stephens/PowerCampus."
Fines and replacement costs for reserve items can be paid by cash or check at Stephens Library Circulation. The library will order any needed replacement copies. Please contact the Library at (573) 876-7182 or concerning a lost or damaged book or other reserve questions.
Reserve Information For Faculty
To place an item(s) on reserve, please fill out the reserve form and drop off materials at the front desk of the library. Please allow three working days for materials to appear on reserve for student use.
The library will work with faculty members to give extended checkout periods for items they have placed on reserve for student use, but may need to check out themselves for classroom use. Those faculty members may get a reminder notice if a course reserve item they still hold has become overdue.
The library will not replace faculty member’s personal copies, nor departmental copies, of books, documents, kits or media items, that have been lost or damaged while on reserve, for a cost greater than $150 per item.
Copyright Compliance
Items appropriate for reserves include Stephens Library materials or legally acquired materials from a faculty member’s personal collection. Stephens Library will work to acquire items that can be purchased for the library’s collection and then placed on reserve for a class. Purchasing materials assures copyright compliance for placement on reserves. Stephens Library cannot place on Reserve books or other items that have been borrowed through MOBIUS or Interlibrary Loan.
Libraries are bound by certain restrictions and prohibitions in regard to reserve materials. We may need to consult with a faculty member to seek out appropriate work-arounds so that the materials are copyright compliant in a reserve setting.
Each faculty member is responsible for checking for Fair Use, or obtaining copyright permission if necessary. If copyright permission is needed for a reserve item and the faculty member did not obtain permission, then the library will obtain permission. Those costs will be billed back to the faculty member’s department’s printing/copying account.
Please contact the circulation desk at Stephens Library if a sample form letter is needed to obtain copyright permission from a publisher or a copyright owner/holder, or a Fair Use checklist to see if the project falls under Fair Use.
The library accepts photocopied copyrighted materials for reserve purposes according to copyright Fair Use guidelines. Copying should not substitute for the purchase of books, publishers’ reprints or periodicals. Educational use is not automatically Fair Use. It may be considered infringing on copyright if the use substantially interferes with the copyright owners/holders right to profit from their creative endeavor.
Examples of photocopied materials requiring permission:
Repetitive Copying: The classroom or reserve use of photocopied materials in multiple courses OR in successive years will normally require advance permission from the owner of the copyright.
Consumable Works: The duplication of works that are consumed in the classroom, such as standardized tests and booklets, answer sheets, exercises, and workbooks, normally requires permission from the copyright owner.
Course packs: require proof of copyright permission to place on reserve initially, and subsequent permissions are needed for each of the various materials for successive placement on reserve in the future.
Copying shall not be used to re-create or replace anthologies, compilations or collective works.
Remember that the library will work with any faculty or staff member to acquire copyright compliant reserve materials.
Course Reserves Policy
This policy intends to provide guidance with respect to collection development at the Hugh Stephens Library.
The Stephens College community, as served by the Hugh Stephens Library, includes students, faculty and staff, with students being the primary service community.
The library aims to provide a balanced collection with a strong emphasis on scholarship and relevance to the curriculum. It is the goal of the library to develop a current and applicable collection for each major discipline offered by the college.
Responsibility and Procedure for Selection
Responsibility for the selection of monographic materials lies primarily with the Liaison Librarians with assistance from the Library Director. Faculty are essential to the selection process, and are highly encouraged to request the purchase of materials that support instruction and student research. All library staff and other members of the Stephens College community may recommend titles. Student requests will be given special attention. All recommendations are forwarded to the Library Director for final approval and purchase.
The Library Director will consult with library staff and faculty to select databases. Electronic Resources may be recommended by library staff and faculty. New database subscriptions are limited by current and expected budgets, as well as relevance to the curriculum.
Serials will be added to the collection if they will be used heavily and are relevant to the curriculum. Free subscriptions will be added if they are relevant and well-reviewed.
Instructional Media to be used for the classroom, such as DVDs or streaming video, will be purchased within the constraints of the budget.
Selection Guidelines
In general, the library does not purchase textbooks or foreign language materials. Multiple copies will only be purchased of heavily used books. In the case of non-monograph materials, electronic formats are preferred.
Reference materials, when recommended by faculty, are acquired within the constraints of the budget. Certain annual publications will be collected by standing order.
Monographs requested frequently through Interlibrary Loan are referred to for possible purchase and addition to the collection. If articles from the same journal are frequently requested, that journal will be considered for subscription.
The Library is unable to collect for faculty research.
A dissertation that cannot be borrowed via interlibrary loan will be considered for purchase if it supports the curriculum and the needs of student research.
Additions to the Albert Schweitzer Collection are made from a gift fund established to support this collection.
Education materials are selected for the general collection and the Educational Resource Center (ERC). The ERC materials are selected and purchased by the Education Department and are processed by and shelved within the Library.
All selection decisions will take into consideration the library's partnership with MOBIUS, a library consortium in the Missouri area of which Stephens College is a member. Specialized areas outside the realm of the curriculum, and specialized items outside the library's budget, will be borrowed from other institutions at patron request.
The Hugh Stephens Library abides by the American Library Association's Library Bill of Rights and Freedom to Read statements. These may be viewed on the American Library Association’s website.
Replacement of Lost or Damaged Books
Materials that have been lost or damaged beyond repair will be replaced if they support the curriculum and the cost is reasonable.
Deselection, or weeding, is essential to maintain an up-to-date collection in good physical condition. Librarians are responsible for evaluating the collection for items that are (1) in poor condition, (2) contain outdated or incorrect information, (3) have been superseded by a newer format, or (4) have seen very little usage. Any item that meets at least one of these four criteria will be evaluated to determine if it should be repaired, replaced, updated, or removed from the collection.
Database subscriptions may be cancelled if use is low or there is a dramatic change in licensing terms or cost.
Serial subscriptions will be reviewed annually and may be cancelled if they are found to be no longer relevant, or if the price, frequency of publication, or other factors affecting the subscription have changed significantly.
Faculty will be notified when resources in their subject areas are targeted for withdrawal or cancellation. Physical materials targeted for withdrawal will be held for a one week period to allow faculty the opportunity to confirm or object to particular items. If faculty provide no response then such materials will be withdrawn.
MOBIUS also provides guidelines for the withdrawal of “last copy” or “limited copy” items. It is recommended that if fewer than three copies would be left in MOBIUS upon discarding an item, the library should consider retaining it. However, if it is otherwise decided to withdraw such items, the library will offer it to other MOBIUS libraries via the MOBIUS-USERS-L list serve. If after two weeks no other MOBIUS library requests such materials, items will be discarded. MOBIUS also states that they recognize it may not be desirable to retain last copies of items that are damaged or contain outdated or incorrect information. In such cases the “last copy” or “limited copy” procedure does not apply.
Withdrawn items will be offered free to the Stephens community, but dependent on condition and potential interest. Remaining items will be given to the Daniel Boone Regional Library for inclusion in their book sales, but again, dependent on condition and potential interest. All others will be recycled.
Collection Development Policy
Donated books and other materials to the Hugh Stephens Library will be accepted if they support the current and anticipated curriculum, are of interest to the general college community, are in a format currently collected by the library, and the gift comes free of restrictions by the donor.
Gifts where a copy already is in the collection will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Gift material that pertains to the history of the college (yearbooks, senior projects, etc.), are not retained in the library but are forwarded to the College Archives.
The library is under no obligation to accept or acknowledge gifts which are not prearranged, and reserves the right to utilize all donations to its best advantage.
Materials not retained will be disposed of at the discretion of the library, including the possibility of them given to book sales or of them recycled.