Stephens Library > Tobias Collection

Sheila Tobias Collection


The Sheila Tobias Collection is located on the Stephens Library’s second floor and is comprised of the following materials: Ms. Tobias’s complete monograph works, a majority of her published articles, a book collection focusing on equal rights feminism, women in science, and math education, and a DVD collection that includes presentations, speaking engagements, and events featuring Sheila Tobias.

Monographic Works

Tobias, S. (1978). Overcoming math anxiety (1st ed). Norton.

Tobias, S. (Ed.). (1982). What kinds of guns are they buying for your butter? A beginner’s guide to defense, weaponry, and military spending. W. Morrow.

Tobias, S. (Ed.). (1984). The people’s guide to national defense: What kinds of guns are they buying for your butter? Quill.

Tobias, S. (1987). Succeed with math: Every student’s guide to conquering math anxiety. College Entrance Examination Board : Distributed to the trade by the Macmillan Pub. Co.

Tobias, S. (1990). They’re not dumb, they’re different: Stalking the second tier. Research Corp.

Tobias, S. (1992). Revitalizing undergraduate science: Why some things work and most don’t. Research Corporation.

Tobias, S. (1997). Faces of feminism: An activist’s reflections on the women’s movement. Westview Press.

Tobias, S. (2002). Come vincere la paura della matematica. Editori associati.

Tobias, S., & Baffert, A. (2010). Science teaching as a profession: Why it isn’t, how it could be. NSTA Press, National Science Teachers Association.

Tobias, S., Chubin, D. E., & Aylesworth, K. D. (1995). Rethinking science as a career: Perceptions and realities in the physical sciences. Research Corp.

Tobias, S., & Piercey, V. I. (2012). Banishing math anxiety. Kendall Hunt.

Tobias, S., & Raphael, J. (1997a). The hidden curriculum: Faculty-made tests in science. Plenum Press.

Tobias, S., & Raphael, J. (1997b). The hidden curriculum: Faculty-made tests in science. Part 1, Lower-division courses. Plenum.

Tobias, S., & Tomizuka, C. T. (1992). Breaking the science barrier: How to explore and understand the sciences. College Entrance Examination Board.

Published Articles

This collection consists of articles divided into sections entitled, Faces of Feminism, Historic Women’s Studies, Math Anxiety, and Professional Science Masters. Articles include those authored by Ms. Tobias as well as other authors relevant to these categories. View the complete list here: Sheila Tobias Article Collection (PDF).

Book Collection

The book collection includes over 200 titles and focuses on equal rights feminism, women in science, and math education. Materials include those by Ms. Tobias as well as by other authors relevant to these areas. View the complete list here: Sheila Tobias Book Collection.

DVD Collection

This collection is comprised of 28 DVDs, many of which feature Veteran Feminists of America events that feature Sheila Tobias. View the complete list here: Sheila Tobias DVD Collection (PDF).

Sheila TobiasPhoto courtesy of Balfour Walker Photography.

Sheila Tobias

Photo courtesy of Balfour Walker Photography.

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About Sheila Tobias

With contributions to women’s studies as an academic and activist, Sheila Tobias’s expertise has assisted in facilitating access in the math and science fields, especially for women.  Included as a “pioneer feminist” with the Veteran Feminists of America, Tobias is highlighted for her activism in the “second wave” feminist movement that lasted nearly 20 years and helped make our country more equitable for women. 

Ms. Tobias earned a Bachelor's degree from Radcliffe College at Harvard University, a Master's degree in history and a Master of Philosophy from Columbia University, and has been the recipient of honorary doctorates from Drury College, Wheelock College, SUNY Potsdam, Michigan State University and Worcester Polytechnic University.

For further information, see:

From left to right: musician and composer Louise Spizizen, feminist critic and scholar Annette Kolodny, Sheila Tobias, and the feminist leader Gloria Steinem.  Image taken at a fundraising event in Tucson, Arizona in 1990.

From left to right: musician and composer Louise Spizizen, feminist critic and scholar Annette Kolodny, Sheila Tobias, and the feminist leader Gloria Steinem. Image taken at a fundraising event in Tucson, Arizona in 1990.